Monday, September 6, 2010

[ambient] fellow Porter music mystic : Meerkat

the porter meadow made into music!

This my attempt to historicize the music of meerkat; any dates and/or information found below is based on rough guesses, slsk banter, and collected net evidence:

Fellow UCSC alumni Joshua Trout, under the name meerkat, produced this collection of ambient songs in 2003-4 i believe, with an edited version of song number 3 (Colours) making it onto James Holden's most famous and magical mix cd Balance 005 that same year. He also produced 2 progressive house songs around the same time (The Lone Newcastle Drinker + The Pendulum), both of which rely on beautiful chiming melodies and tight drum programming. During this period, up and coming eclectic dance label, Border Community, expressed interest in his work (which basically consisted of incomplete 30 sec sound sketches , which although short, were unique and promising). A few of these can be found on the short Lily Pad album found below or on his myspace (see Death of a Yak).

- i think Jeff pointed out that number 6 (Drowning) was previously known as The Forest Spirit.
- also, I randomly read that Pendulum/Drinker might see a release on Smu[th] Digital (don't hold me to this nor the label name, I can't locate the source currently).

The Lady on the Lily Pad (album)

Right Click, Save As (320kbps mp3)

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